Anti Smoking Campaign

Albania has one of the highest smoking rates in the world, currently at 38.8% according to World Health. In the summer 2023, with the help of a teenager volunteer, we created two tobacco cessation trifolds, one targeting adults and parents, and the other targeting teenagers. These trifolds were written in Albanian, focused on educating Albanians about the risk of tobacco usage, and encouraging teenagers not to start using tobacco. While collaborating with the Save the Children Organization in Tirana Albania, we organized several events where we talked to community members about the importance of not starting tobacco usage as well as decreasing or stopping tobacco usage.

On July 20th 2023, we met with teenagers in the summer camp “Smart”, where we handed trifolds targeting teenagers and risks of tobacco usage.

On July 24th, 2023 we met with the Women’s protection shelter center in Shkoder “Hapa te Lehte” where we educated women and children about the risks of tobacco usage and handed the trifolds. We also bought food boxes for 16 women and their children.

On July 27th we met with the community clinic in Babice, Vlore. We met with the clinic staff and community members and discussed the risks of tobacco usage, and the importance of not starting tobacco usage for teenagers.


Women’s Health and Lifestyle